Consent Form

Advance Care Solutions Behavioral Support and Assessments Services

To provide you with holistic positive behaviour support, Advance Care needs to better understand your unique talents, needs and aspirations. We will sensitively gather pertinent background details, with your consent. These may include your formal personal identifiers, relevant diagnoses or developmental categories if applicable, support contact information, etc.

Purposes for Information Gathering

Advance Care Solutions only gathers in-depth personal information to deliver customised positive behaviour support adhering to your expectations around growth, dignity and care. 

Details collected enable us to provide transparent and consistent benefits through:

  • Completing strengths-based assessments of current abilities, behaviors and triggers
  • Developing Positive Behavior Support Plans with practical prevention/intervention
  • Implementing personalised strategies to reduce distress and nurture aptitudes
  • Monitoring technique effectiveness through quantifiable progress tracking
  • Adjusting approaches dynamically to maximise consistent outcomes

Furthermore, we collect your information for the following other reasons:

  • Respond to requests made using our inquiry form
  • Work on the feedback provided on our feedback form
  • Report our sources of income and funding to the government, NDIS and any other relevant body

Privacy Protections Under Australian Law

Advance Care Solutions takes data privacy seriously, aligning with Australian Privacy Principle governance standards. We are bound by law to safeguard sensitive information including healthcare data under the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

This means personal details can never be used for purposes beyond delivering individualised care without your explicit consent. It enables trust that we gather only the necessary information to ethically support positive behaviour outcomes.

For further information or to obtain a copy of our consent form, please contact us.