Behaviour Support

Harmony Through Behaviour Transformation

Our team of positive behaviour specialists has enabled hundreds of children and adults to find inner peace and outward harmony by leaving restrictive environments behind. We identify the unmet needs behind behaviours and fulfil them through validation, empathy and compassion.

Eradicating Restrictive Practices

We commit to eliminating restrictive practices through innovative behavioural support strategies and interventions rooted in respect and dignity. This creates space for nurturing each individual's interests, goals and strengths without limitations or coercion.

Strategic and Personalized Intervention

Getting to the heart of each behaviour through science-based functional assessments allows us to custom-craft positive behaviour support plans honouring who you are. Our holistic understanding ensures targeted, sustainable strategies to reduce challenging behaviours.


Beyond solely reducing difficult behaviours, our Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) instils deep self-awareness and autonomy. This empowers individuals to trust their wisdom to make positive choices each day, laying the foundations for self-growth success stories as restrictions and limits dissolve.

We empower individuals and their broader teams to enhance their own capacities, cultivate overlooked personal skills, and actively shift the focus to nurturing wellbeing – diminishing the false necessity of harmful or restrictive practices through compassionate understanding.

Our Inclusive Role in
Your Comprehensive
Support Team

We are firm believers in the efficacy of collaboration and will endeavour to integrate into your extensive support network with ease. In order to build cohesive strategies and consistently achieve our goals, we work together with a wide range of stakeholders, including allied health professionals, education support, family, and other necessary support professions. This method guarantees a unified and interdisciplinary approach.

“Our collaborative team approach means you can feel confident the positive behaviour strategies implemented during our building capacities are grounded in a holistic understanding of needs for optimal, tailored outcomes.”

Holistic Behaviour

We conduct comprehensive assessments integrating all aspects of an individual’s talents, goals, challenges and sensitivities. This empowers exceedingly customised positive behaviour supports and social skills training exercises guided by a whole person’s understanding for lasting change.


Our NDIS mental health support practitioners utilise the latest research in behaviour science to implement evidence-based strategies, offering a robust foundation for effective and sustainable behaviour support.

Ongoing Support and

We remain dedicated partners beyond initial interventions, maintaining caring responsiveness to arising needs through progress tracking and open communication. This commitment to understanding facilitates continuity during all seasons of growth.

Why Advance Care Solutions?

Regulated Restrictive Practices Focus

Collaboratively crafting Positive Behaviour Support, our disability behaviour management team prioritises reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices, guided by contemporary, evidence-based methods.

Partnerships that Uplift

We become trusted allies to clients, families and care networks - collaborating, encouraging and supporting one another through triumphs, trials and everyday growth opportunities with equality and empathy.

Convenient Accessibility

Making Behaviour Support accessible, our practitioners are strategically located across Brisbane, ensuring we come to you whenever possible, prioritising convenience and personalised service.

Dedicated Team Commitment

Advanced care Solutions is devoted to individuals and their broader support teams, enhancing strengths, life skills, and community participation through person-centred Behaviour Support , safeguarding dignity, and improving quality of life.

Commitment to Excellence

We unite care networks of coordinators, families, clinicians and community partners through honest communication and a shared mission to help individuals thrive. Our open collective approach enforces consistency, maximises resources, and ensures person-centred.

Comprehensive Training and Telehealth Option

Advance care solutions offers thorough training for support networks, ensuring optimal outcomes. Additionally, we provide the convenience of Telehealth options when face-to-face services pose challenges, ensuring flexibility and improved access to our services.

Support right across Queensland